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College Student Killed over 50 Cents

by on August 12, 2011

wilmer hernandez, borough of manhattan, black college students

by Antoine Scroggins, Your Black World 

Another promising young man’s life ended too soon over a senseless act of violence.

Wilmer Hernandez, a student at Borough of Manhattan community college, was shot in the stomach for refusing to give up 50cents–and later died at the Jacobi Medical Center, sources said.

He and his brother, Steven Hernandez, were at a convenient store late Thursday night to purchase snacks for a trip to Universal Studios when they were approached by Dashawn Campbell and several other men.

Deshawn asked the brothers, “Yo! you guys got 50cents?” At that time, the men approached Steven Hernandez and took a cell phone from him. Shortly there after, Wilmer was shot in the stomach.

Campbell, 19, who has a record with numerous arrests–including robbery–was charged with murder and ordered without bail.

You know, when a young person’s life is taken so suddenly, even if they are deeply rooted in the streets, there is a feeling of empathy. However, when a young college student like Wilmer Hernandez’s life is taken, there is apathy and despair. Wilmer could have become a major contributor to society. Unfortunately, he won’t get the chance to witness his full potential. Neither will we.

Antoine Scroggins is a staff Writer at Your Black

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  1. MissyJ permalink

    Sad and senseless

  2. Jordin permalink

    What has our society come to? Life and existence has no value and people are morally dead. This is truly a scary world to live in. Can you imagine being attacked or even killed over some loose change? Why? What could possibly be going on in the minds of these people who have no regard for another person’s life?

  3. Stacy Lewis permalink

    The distorted jailhouse social disorder that is perpetuated in entertainment & music videos, an embraced by the African-American male youth community unknowingly for past 35 years as a means of socio-economic copin eWg skills “THUG MENTALITY” rears it’s EMPTY HEAD AGAIN! Once again this “mental disorder” largely mis-labeled as “ROBBERY” or “GANG-RELATED” activity was what led to this senseless atrocity and is at the root of the problem. Some men who return from incarceration from 18 to whatever age have an illness that we as people of color an “primarily” in urban America must acknowledge. The rough life of black americans it’s NOT NEW! But it has gone thru a “social metamorphisis” due to decades long incarceration of Black males. The attitudes toward the survivor of the “JAIL HOUSE” was elevated within our community thru the MLK & the civil rights jailings. The streets in our urban communities continued the elevation of the parolee/loved ones/homies as returning hero thru the 70’s right up to Now! Yet still upon return the carry a “JAIL HOUSE” mentality that has been admired and replicated in the streets by the youth for the past 35 years. We claim it as a description of “BEING BLACK”, YOU GOTTA BE HARD!”.. “DON’T BE SOFT!”.. IF IT AIN’T ROUGH IT AINT RIGHT!”.. “DONT TAKE SHIT FROM NO ONE”.. “IF YOU WANT IT YOU GOTTA TAKE IT”..all these are nuthin more than.. “JAIL HOUSE” coping skills infused into our urban communities.. an sometimes this “mental disorder” KILLS IN OUR COMMUNITIES. ALOT!

  4. People produce the society in which they live. How have we gone from a generation ago where parents could and would discipline their child and say something to another child doing wrong without getting cursed out by them and the parent. No shame and disrespect has all but eliminated character and morality in many of our children. Babies raise babies that look to be in the “thug life”, (smoking weed, planting seed and not taking heed). Then when something like this happens only then can say I’m sorry. Sorry is a sorry word that cannot be heard by any victim’s family.

  5. Sad and senseless !

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